Our aim is to promote and improve the smooth functioning of securities chain.

DACSI is the principal trade association in The Netherlands for the securities industry. We strive for an efficient and effective infrastructure for the securities and derivatives markets.

We do so by coordinating between providers and users of the securities infrastructure and by advocating the Dutch interests with relevant institutions, including the domestic and European legislators and supervisors.

DACSI agenda

Upcoming Events

Potentially interesting articles


Market practices

DACSI develops, supports and publishes market practices and recommendations relevant in the post-trade space.


DACSI has formulated and communicated various position papers and opinion documents.

Our Location

Tribes – Amstelgebouw
Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB  Amsterdam

Market Standards

An efficient single European market for securities requires harmonised market practices for clearing, settlement and asset servicing. The Market Standards for Corporate Actions Processing and for General meetings are important tools in the required harmonisation process.

Our members

Members of DASCI

Wanna join DACSI?

Membership is open for institutions that are active in The Netherlands in the securities and derivatives industry, being banks, regulated markets, central counterparties or the central securities depository. For information about membership, please contact the secretariat.


Tribes – Amstelgebouw
Prins Bernhardplein 200
1097 JB  Amsterdam

Call Us

+31 6 1857 5537